Week 30 Jun 7 Written By Danielle Gaebel “Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse OverloadWarm-Up RoutineSpider-Verse Kids WorkoutMove-To-Improve PE WipeoutTake Care of the EarthFit Boost: Warm Up, Move, Cool Down Practice Flying Bird Breath & Flower Breath Cobra Pose Chew & Gallop Oranges - California & Florida are the largest produces of oranges in the US. Oranges are considered the King of the citrus plants. The Valencia Orange remains green after ripening. Make some activity vigorous. “Where there is love, there is joy” - Mother Theresa If you could invent something, what would it be? FACT: The World Cup is the biggest soccer tournament in the world.FACT: Double numbers on a player's uniform brings good luck.FACT: The nose can detect a trillion smells. Situps & Squats Hero Pose Chair Yoga Don’t forget to smile and laugh routinely. Danielle Gaebel https://www.superfinesocial.com/
Week 30 Jun 7 Written By Danielle Gaebel “Creativity takes courage.” – Henri Matisse OverloadWarm-Up RoutineSpider-Verse Kids WorkoutMove-To-Improve PE WipeoutTake Care of the EarthFit Boost: Warm Up, Move, Cool Down Practice Flying Bird Breath & Flower Breath Cobra Pose Chew & Gallop Oranges - California & Florida are the largest produces of oranges in the US. Oranges are considered the King of the citrus plants. The Valencia Orange remains green after ripening. Make some activity vigorous. “Where there is love, there is joy” - Mother Theresa If you could invent something, what would it be? FACT: The World Cup is the biggest soccer tournament in the world.FACT: Double numbers on a player's uniform brings good luck.FACT: The nose can detect a trillion smells. Situps & Squats Hero Pose Chair Yoga Don’t forget to smile and laugh routinely. Danielle Gaebel https://www.superfinesocial.com/